• sue in the name of an agent | |
किसी: anybody somebody someone certain one | |
अभिकर्ता: correspondent agent factor acting as agent | |
के: K beyond between disentitle except from OF | |
के नाम: addressed to for addressed | |
के नाम में: in favour of के K beyond between disentitle | |
नाम: appellation title escutcheon odour repute first | |
में: within by between afield among IN amidst into in | |
वाद: ism plea suit talk lawsuit theory doctrine thesis | |
वाद लाना: maintain suit sue | |
लाना: bringing apporter DO bring in fetch acquire rake | |
किसी अभिकर्ता के नाम में वाद लाना अंग्रेज़ी में
[ kisi abhikarta ke nam mem vad lana ]